Sunday, 6 November 2011

And the winners are…...

My apologies to anyone who has been waiting for this post. It was far harder than I thought to pick the winners of my competition. I know it will sound like a cliche but I really do wish everyone could be a winner, there were so many great tips and a lot I hadn’t heard before.

Anyway, without any further ado………

The winner of the Sleek Nude collection is:

Fact: In renaissance Italy women created the ultimate red lip and cheek tint by mixing cochineal sandalwood or cinnabar with wax or grease. The application process was complex, but the red colour lasted for over a week. (wish mine lasted even a full day) 

and the winner of the OPI Nails kit is:
Pandora’s Box

Prize entry: OPI pirates of the Caribbean mini collection, nail envy and cuticle oil (wow!) 
Fact: I love using organic coconut oil as an eye makeup remover every night. Not only does it remove the most stubborn of eye makeups( even waterproof) but also leaves my lashes conditioned and strong. Use a teeny amount on a cotton ball and swipe it on your eyes and repeat with a clean cotton ball. Does not leave me with oily eyelids and is so much cheaper than chemical laden expensive eye makeup removers. Also as a naturally curly haired girl, I can swear frizz free hair if u apply coconut oil (again just a dab) after shower on wet hair instead of a serum. Leaves hair strong, frizz free and coconut is the only hair that actually penetrates the hair itself (not just scalp) so the hair actually absorbs this oil. It also leaves a yummy tropical scent to boot.

I forgot to request the entrants emails so please give me an email ( with your address and I will get the prizes to you as soon as possible. 



  1. Aww I can't believe I've just found out that I won :( xx

  2. DB, that comment about the Coconut Oil was so helpful! I think I may need to invest in some. Just found you through the blog hop and am your newest follower via GFC (YTBlushingBasics).

    Hope you can drop by my beauty blog and check it out. xo

  3. Congrats ladies! :D


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