Friday 7 December 2012

Ciate mani month day 7 (cutie pie)

Day 7
I had to google the fact behind door 7 today. According to wikipedia nail polish originated in China and started as a combination of beeswax, egg whites, gelatin, vegetable dyes and gum arabic. The Egyptians used orange henna to stain their fingernails. Around 1300 BC, the color of the nail polish symbolized the ranking of social class with the colours gold and silver considered to be the royal colors, which was later changes to black and red. Modern nail polish, it turns out, is a modified version of the paint they use on cars and the first modern nail polishes were produced by Cutex in 1917. Did any one else find that interesting?

Now back to the point of tonight’s post. Behind the door today was Cutie Pie, a very delicate light pink shade — I’m a bit undecided about whether or not I it though. From a distance it is very pretty and is perfect as an every day shade but up close it is slightly streaky. In terms of the quality of the polish, it took three coats to get a good finish. The polish started to dry very quickly, which is always a good thing, but I do think that was partly the reason for the streaky finish.

If you haven’t seen the posts from the last few days of advent the links can be found below. 


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