Tuesday 26 February 2013

BBHQ February task: organisation

This month’s post is all about blogger organisation and how I stay on top of blogging topics, organise products to be reviewed and store old data.

Where do you blog?
The majority of my blogging is done at home, either on the bed or in front of the television. I have also started blogging to and from work using the blogger app on my iPhone. The app lets me save posts in draft form so I can come back to them later, and I can publish from the app if I need to too.

Do you have a space dedicated to your blogging work? An office, a table, a corner of your room...
No. My favourite place to blog is from bed, but I also blog in front of the television and as I mentioned before on the train/tube.

What do you blog on? Computer, laptop, tablet... what do you recommend?
I blog on my laptop and my phone. I prefer to blog on my laptop just because it is more comfortable and it is easier to add pictures and preview the post.

Do you have any blogging rituals? Drinks, music, movie, candles…
None. I usually like to be alone and have complete silence if I want to write a post and not get distracted, which is when I tuck up in bed and get cosy to write.
When it comes to reviewing face masks I tend to review as in the picture above! I like to be able to describe how the face mask feels on the skin and immediately after removing it, and the best way to do that is to blog while treating myself to a home facial.

How do you keep your blogging ideas organized? Notepad, planner, post-its…
I write ideas down in my diary or on the notes app on my phone, I then delete them as they are completed. I also save draft posts with the titles as a reminder that I need to write them!

Do you have a blogging schedule for the week? Or the month? If so, how do you stay on top of it all?
I don't! I do need to get more organised because since I started a college course I have a lot less free time. At the moment I am writing most of my blog posts at the weekend and publishing them throughout the week. I am curious to know if people would like a more structured posting schedule, I was thinking about having one hair, makeup, skin and nail post a week and having set days for these.

If you review products, how do you keep track of what needs to be reviewed in your collection?
I have a box of products to be reviewed and I'll pull out something new as and when I finish other products. Unless I have photographs of the unused product (which is more important for makeup than anything else) I won’t start using it.

What do you do with all your "old" data? Photos, videos, extra drives, online storage…
I'm in the process of backing up photographs onto CDs to save room on my hard drive. I use Dropbox to upload and store photographs I have taken in my phone, but I also upload other photographs and documents to save space on my hard drive and that I might need separate access to. If you want to set up a Dropbox account you can use my link and we would both get 500mb of bonus space.

Finally, for fun, what beauty/non-beauty products do you need to have on hand near your blogging station? Hand lotion, lip balm, chewing gum…
I would say nothing, but having thought about it there is usually tea and chocolate or something else sweet nearby!



  1. Great post!! I really need to start being more organised with my blogging!! Xx


  2. I’m actually finding it quite hard, do let me know if you have any tips! x

  3. Love your pic of you in bed with the mask on!

    I wish I had an extra 10 hours a day so I could blog more...never enough hours in the day if you ask me! xx

  4. Fantastic! So glad your still blogging :) you might remember me...or maybe not but here is my new blog if you wish to read http://persiavonpearls.blogspot.co.uk/ Hope your well!


Thank you so much for your comments, I love to get your opinions and I do my best to reply to all x

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