Thursday 2 January 2014

New year, improve me

It’s with a lot of trepidation that I have decided to set myself some new years resolutions. There is always the risk that even with the best intentions, once work kicks in and the Christmas/New Year cheer is boxed away, resolutions get forgotten but I am determined not to let that happen this year because my goal is ultimately to be happy and cherish every moment.
Last year was one of the worst I can remember, something bad seemed happen every month. My state of mind suffered and as a result this blog too, which in turn added to my guilt and bad feeling since I felt  I lost  something that before had given me a lot of joy and focussed my energy.

So this year with being happy at the top of my list my other resolutions are:

1. Post here at least three times a week
Three seems like a reasonable number for me to produce quality posts, I am aiming for Monday, Wednesday and Friday with posts at the weekend too if I am super efficient. 

2. Read more 
I miss reading books, newspapers, magazines and blogs. If I can I would like to spend at least half and hour a day reading, alternating between different types of media. 

3. Be efficient 
I got myself into some very bad habits last year, choosing to procrastinate over working and then rushing to do the things I needed to do. This year I want to be organised again, use my time wisely and generally not feel lazy.

4. Master the crow 
I took up yoga last summer and I am determined that by this time next year I will be a master of this move — take a look at it here. I can currently hold it for about half a second before toppling over.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank those of you that read this blog regularly, I am grateful that you have stuck around despite my awful lack of consistency and to those of you that have recently started to follow, thank you and I hope you stick around.

I hope that everyone has had a lovely festive season and that 2014 is happy, healthy and successful for all.

With love,


  1. Reading more is definitely on my list too. I miss it and need to make time for it!

  2. Hey Ayshe. Great goals, one of mine is the opposite to yours as I'm too efficient at times so I'm going with the flow a little - we can probably take a leaf out of each other's books! I'm a new blogger, and wrote about my goals in my first post!

  3. just joined your blog ayesha good luck with new year goals mine are coming up in post too


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