Friday 12 April 2013

Spending Ban COMPLETE

So 100 days since the new year have passed and the spending ban is finally OVER! I didn’t quite make it through without spending, which I am disappointed about, but I know that even with that slip up I have saved money and I have managed to reduce my pile of products. The fact that in 100 days I didn't need to make one essential purchase just shows how many products I have multiples of.

I'm going to do a separate empties post showing everything I finished in the last 100 days, what I struggled to go without and what I plan on repurchasing, so this post is about what I learnt and what next.

If you didn't see my original spending ban post you can find it here, as well as my one month and two month updates and you can also read what purchase lead me to breaking it!
What I learnt:

I'm an emotional spender

This was my biggest lesson. If I have a bad day I want to treat myself. Usually it is something small and inexpensive and that is where beauty comes in. That being said a lot of times browsing in store or just filling up a basket online and not clicking buy is enough to cheer me up, but to save myself from temptation I wasn't doing that, which was frustrating.

I like to eat

I realised that taking out beauty and clothes makes my biggest expenses travel and food. I can’t do anything about London transport prices but I buy lunch most days and eat out a lot. I don't necessarily want to change that, because all my social activities revolve around eating, but the spending ban certainly opened my eyes to it.

I always use the same products

I'm referring to makeup when I say this. Over the course of the last 100 days I've reached for the same makeup and I really need to make the most out of my collection. I'm better at not hoarding skincare and that generally gets used up quicker anyway.

What now?

I've decided to extend the spending ban a little longer, probably until the end of the month, partly as a penalty for breaking it but also just to keep saving money. I am going to relax my conditions though, originally I banned myself from using vouchers and points I have and I even didn't activate a subscription to Birchbox I won at Christmas. I've now activated my subscription and if there is something I really want or need I'll buy it from wherever is cheapest and will save my vouchers for something special.

To make more out of my makeup I’ve also set a rule that if I want to buy something new I have to finish two makeup products first. I'm not sure how well I'll do with this but we'll see.

In all the spending ban was a positive experience and I'm glad I took part. It was good to read the updates from other bloggers and have that support at weaker times.

If you took part or are thinking of starting your own spending ban let me know, I'd love to hear how you are getting on.



  1. Wow - I rate for you extending it!! And your rules are good - like using 2 things up before you buy something new! I should really do that but I know I wont be able too. I need to really shop my stash more- i use the same things over and over and sometimes even forget that I own certain makeup items. Its a terrible waste.

    As you know I will be doing another spending ban soon as I certainly have enough stuff to use up to justify it!

    I also spend a lot on food - I love eating out!


  2. I think I will never be able to do a spending ban. But what I do is that I tell to myself that I can only spend money 2 times in a month.

  3. That’s a good idea too, do you set a limit to how much you can spend each time? I like the process of using things up so I just need to focus on that I think to control myself! x

  4. Thanks for your comment Grace. I hope I can stick to my rules, I know there are some makeup products that I don’t need any more of at all, but it can be so hard to help yourself!

    I’m not sure what the best way of shopping the stash is, I have all my stuff in plain sight but I still grab the same things! x

  5. No I don't have a limit. But if I buy for a lot of money, I just tell myself that I can buy only once a month.

  6. Spending bans are impossible with Haus of Gloi around - they are evil to the core!


Thank you so much for your comments, I love to get your opinions and I do my best to reply to all x

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