Friday, 27 May 2011

Jewellery History (picture heavy)

I wanted to do something a bit special for my 100th blog post! Can’t believe it has been 100 already, I still feel new to the blogging world, but thank you to all those who have and still support me. Thank you for commenting and of course coming back to see more. 

Back in January I visited the Victoria and Albert museum last week. Originally I went to see the clothes section which was closed but in exploring the rest of the museum, found the jewellery section. It was dimly lit, with the jewellery behind glass so clear that it felt like at any point you could reach out and grab it! Unfortunately no photographs were allowed but if you are a jewellery lover it is a must see.

It was organised such that you could see jewellery through time, from ancient Egypt through to now. The material used, as well as the purpose or symbolism of each set of pieces was described. The opening quote which caught my eye was ‘ jewellery adorns and protects the wearer on the journey through life’. It was that which inspired me for this post, jewellery throughout time has served a purpose, ranging from purely decorative and extravagant to functional and even spiritual. I learnt a lot and I thought about the pieces of jewellery I own and the story they tell in my own life.

My first pairs of earrings, given to me as a new born, yes I still have all my baby jewellery. Although there are a lot of pieces I will never wear again, I cannot and will not ever get rid if them. The studs I wore up until my teenage years when I discovered hoops!

My first ever ring, I had the stone replaced since the original fell out. 

Various pendents I wore continuously!

18th Birthday gift from my two best friends at the time from school

18th birthday present from family, each piece was given to me by a different family member

Of course in between I have brought cheap bits of jewellery, however they also have their story. The necklaces I thought were so stunning throughout A-levels!

My personalised earrings

My ‘heart of the ocean’

The necklace brought for me on my most memorable of trips to Marrakech.

This is just a small collection of what I own. I have always loved jewellery, it is one of those things, that age, shape, size doesn’t discriminate and always has a way of making you feel beautiful.


  1. Is the first necklace yours?? I adore that!! :D

  2. yup, i featured it in another post, it was a gift from my sister :-)

  3. I stopped wearing jewelry ages ago, and used to wear loads and have a lot of piercings but I'm happier without it. But my mom loves her bling and she's always shopping for more but it suits her. I love that quote that you mentioned. My mom could do a timeline of her life with what she has which I think is really special. Great post!

  4. thank you! I agree that is really special, I don’t plan on getting rid of anything either x

  5. Gorgeous collection, but that first one is absolutely amazing! Gah, I LOVE IT. Want!

  6. Wow what a lovely post, very original :) I really enjoyed reading it. I don't have all that much memorable jewellery being only 17 but I do have a few lovely pieces with their own stories. Really enjoyed reading this, and happy 100th post! xxx

  7. I’m so glad you like the post Emma. I’m sure over the years your collection will increase, as will the memories :-) x

  8. Love The Post! You have Some Really Lovely Things :) xx

  9. The neck piece and the earrings look so amazing that you can include them in your wardrobe. You can view various designs on the internet as well.
    tongue rings
    Body Jewelry


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