Wednesday 24 July 2013

My Ultimate Summer Driving Playlist‏

 I don’t usually do lifestyle/personal posts but the latest competition by MoneySupermarket was just too good to pass up.

MoneySupermarket asked bloggers to put together their ultimate summer driving playlist so I spent the best part of an afternoon reminiscing and listening to the old songs I blasted on my stereo driving between university and home and even though the list could go on indefinitely I managed to narrow it down to 16 songs.
The aim of the competition is to draw attention to research from THINK! suggesting that almost 20% of accidents on major roads are related to sleep or tiredness.
Here is my ultimate summer driving playlist:

1. Summertime, Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff. 
I don’t know how much explanation this song needs, is it even summer until you hear summertime? 

2. Summer Jam, The Underdog Project
I think this was a bit of a one-hit-wonder when it was released but I remember not being able to get enough of it. 

3. Estoy Enamorado, Wisin & Yandel
This song holds some good summer time memories for me, specifically driving along the coast with this playing on the radio. I have no idea what the song means but I can’t help but think of that road trip when I hear it. 

4. U Remind Me, Usher 
A playlist wouldn’t be complete for me without a bit of Usher, I love him! I remember the summer this came out and having curly hair envy for the girl in the video.

5. Blurred Lines, Robin Thicke
I am loving this song at the moment, it has the potential to become really annoying but for now I am always turning this up in the car and singing along. 

6. Cupid’s Chokehold/Breakfast in America, Gym Class Heroes
I think it was the video that won me over to this song, but there is something about the beat that gives it a feel-good factor.

7. Hips don’t Lie, Shakira 
This song reminds me of the first year of my postgraduate degree when me and my girlfriends would rush to the dancefloor so we could act like we knew how to bellydance. 

8. Livin’ La Vida Loca, Ricky Martin
Slightly guilty pleasure here, but I still love this song and if you don’t want to confess to liking the Ricky Martin version, how could you not like when Puss in Boots sung it at the end of Shrek?

9. Smooth, Santana and Rob Thomas
I think this song will redeem my cool factor after choice 8. It’s just a very cool song. 

10. #Beautiful, Mariah Carey and Miguel 
I hated this song initially but it’s grown on me. Miguel has such a smooth and soothing voice.

11. Love don’t cost a thing, Jennifer Lopez 
Classic JLO was the best in my opinion and this has to be one of my favourite songs from her. 

12. American Boy, Estelle and Kanye West
Oh how I annoyed people singing this song, love it! 

13. Let Me Love You, Mario
Not a particularly summery song but it has sentimental value to me so it has to be on the list. 

14. Barcelona, D Kay & Epsilon
I think this was another one-hit wonder I couldn’t get enough of when it was released. 

15. Hit ‘Em Up Style (Oops), Blu Cantrell
This song has to be on the list of ultimate feel good breakup songs. I really liked Blu Cantrell when she entered the charts and this and the collaboration she did with Sean Paul were my favourite songs.

16. No Scrubs, TLC
I was a big TLC fan. This was released when I was still at school and I remember a lot of girls singing this to guys. The ‘come-back’ song No Pigeons was then released, but it didn’t have quite the same impact. 

If you like my selection I’ve put together a playlist on Spotify along with other summer favourites, which you can listen to, here!

Most of this playlist is a throwback to my younger days but I think it represents well the the type of music I like, so hopefully this post has let you know me a little better too. Let me know what your ultimate summer tracks are also if there is anything on this list you hate, let me know too!

P.S MoneySupermarket kindly paid me £20 to purchase my ultimate driving songs and this post forms part of an entry to win an IPad, fingers crossed! 


  1. Congratulations on winning the competition - and well-deserved with such a great list too. Had to pop over and take a look. Wish I'd remembered Santana for mine. Love his stuff and it's just essential Summer listening x

  2. Congratulations on winning! What a fab playlist you have :) xx

  3. Thank you Donna, I am so pleased. I actually nearly forgot Santana too but my sister walked in on me sorting out my list and reminded me! x

  4. Congrats on winning love your list, we have one song in common for my playlist!


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