Saturday, 1 October 2011

Classic Beauty Blog Award

It was a nice surprise to come back from a long weekend and see that I had been given a beauty blog award from Nykki’s Mane Blog.

"This award is to honor those who have written some good blogs about beauty products, inner beauty and showing their own beauty within their written words”.

I really love the meaning behind this award so I am really thankful to Nykki for awarding it to me. The rules state that I now need to pass it on to 10 other classic beauty bloggers. So in no particular order here are mine.

1. Mercedes Makeup Obsession
2. FrootiBeauty
3. Lipstick and Pearls
4. CurvesColourSparkle
5. Beauties in Bloom
6. Whimsy Only
7. Skin Scrubs
8. Skin Deep
9. The Dark Side of Beauty
10. Beauty for Thought



  1. Thank you so much!!!!!!! Xoxo

  2. congrats on the award and thank you SO much for passing it along to me!

  3. Aww thank you! You are so sweet~ You deserve this award!

  4. Congrats. That's a beautiful award.

  5. Oh, I love this award! It is beautiful!! Thank you so much!!!!


  6. Aww thank you - just now catching up with my blog reading xoxo


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