Friday, 28 October 2011

My birthday face - upside down smoky eye

I celebrated my birthday last weekend, I had a really lovely few days celebrating with various family and friends.

On Saturday night, me and my girlfriends all headed to Shaka Zulu in Camden, which is easily the best decorated venue I have ever visited.

I planned to use my FashionistA cosmetics to reproduce the blue look I had done at TOWIB, but I left myself with little time and ended up doing something new but a bit simpler.

I was inspired by MakeupGeek, one of my favourite makeup gurus on YouTube, and tried to replicate her upside down smokey eye look.

I used my Urban Decay palette, with the colour “sin” all over the lid, I lined both waterlines and my bottom lash lined quite heavily and used “dark horse" to smudge and blend out the black liner. It did look odd to me to start off with, especially since the top lid was so bare but I really liked the final look.

It is actually far more subtle than I was expecting, so I probably could have gone for something with a bit more drama! That being said I don’t think it is subtle enough for an everyday/day look.

On the rest of my face I used Revlon Photofinish foundation, Bella Bamba blush my Benefit, Smahbox photo-op under eye brightner and a mixture of ELF bare brown and Rimmel Nude delight on my lips.



  1. happy belated birthday! you look gorgeous, I've been meaning to try this look for a while.

  2. well done great post
    Always following
    Please come and say Hi

  3. I looove this eye on you. What a neat idea. I'm gonna try and recreate this look. Happy belated birthday. You look gorgeous.

  4. Thank you both, I’m glad you liked it. :-)


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