Sunday, 17 July 2011

Sunday Night Thoughts - Beauty Confidence

It was lovely to have so many peoples opinions two weeks ago on fake beauty. I wasn’t very organised last weekend to schedule a post to go up while I was at the wedding but I wanted to carry on the discussion into beauty confidence.

I read this article about women’s spending habits when preparing for a holiday. I wasn’t really surprised at the amount women spend on clothes in preparation, in fact I was surprised that it was the over 50s group they were referring too, since I imagined under 50s would spend a lot too. But I was suprised that the psychologist they asked for a response, commented that this was essentially an issue of confidence in themselves.

I personally don’t like being away from home and not having all my comforts and things. I just don’t like being unprepared so having to fit everything into a suitcase is not a fun task. Generally for the sake of space and weight I will try and reuse outfits if possible and take away a few key pieces, particularly ones I cannot wear here! I already pick clothes which I think are flattering so I don’t tend to have a fear of looking bad.

I personally feel less insecure about how I look while I am away. But am I the exception here? I don’t agree with the article at all, but I would be interested to know your viewpoints.



  1. Sorry it's Wednesday night but I thought I would reply anyway. I may spend about £200 or so on new clothes and other bits but I would never spend £1,000 on clothes for a holiday. I do care what I look like but when I go away I want to enjoy myself, not stand around posing in expensive jeans and flip flops. No one is looking at me! :D

  2. That’s alright comments are welcome always! I agree totally, and I would rather spend larger amounts of money on things I will wear more often when I am not on holiday, if I can get away with last years things I will!

  3. I find that people over the 50s tend to bring clothing for the entire holidays, thus buying clothes to be prepared for anything, whilst younger people pack almost nothing with them and shop more clothes during their vacation (so that they won't have to worry about having room for new stuff in their suitcases.) I don't know if that's a Norwegian thing to do since clothing is insanely expensive here (if you find jeans for less than 53£ they are either freakishly ugly, or on sale, or of poor quality) and the same goes for makeup really.

    And I know this is a reeeally late comment according to when this was posted, but I'm a new reader and I have been browsing your blog for hours, hah.


Thank you so much for your comments, I love to get your opinions and I do my best to reply to all x

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