Monday, 4 July 2011

Project 10 Pan

I’ve taken the scary decision to do a project 10 pan, for any not familiar with the idea, basically until I use up 10 chosen items I won’t be buying anything new.

Generally I consider myself to be good with my spending habits and how I use things, my last few hauls are not representative of my general shopping habits! I don’t tend to have more than one of a kind opened and in use (with the exception of face masks) and I like to use something up then move onto the next thing. I am mostly curious to see how long this will take as well as see how much I will get through with other things too in that time.

Aside for being good for my purse this will also free up space for a few items I have on my wish list which I will treat myself to at the end. Let me know if you would like to see a wish list post.

The 10 items are;



In picture order:
  • Tresemme heat protectant and Samy Joouge curl cream reviewed here. I still need to find my perfect hair care combination so I want to use up the remainder and give some new things a try. 
  • Ungaro Fever perfume from Avon I am over half way through with this, and have been using it every day so I should finish it fairly quickly.
  • Bare Minerals night treatment, after my 2 month test I stopped using it, but for the sake of not wasting it I’m back to using it every night.
  • Resurf-a-stick microdermabrasion stick - again reviewed here, but I am actually looking to by a home microdermabrasion tool once the project 10 pan is over so this needs to get used up.
  • Smashbox primer - I am nearly done with this, although I really liked it in the beginning, I think it may be breaking me out when I use it, but I can’t be sure and I’m keen to start using the Witch primer which is meant to help with blemishes.
  • Witch concealer stick - I don’t like this, so I really want to use it up and go back to my ELF concealer.
  • Bourgeois mineral radiance - although I have used up so much already, to get to this stage has taken a year so of all the products I think this will be the hardest to use up! 
  • Anew reversalist serum - this is not something I would have picked up usually but I won this in a Christmas hamper from Avon and have only just got round to using it. Will review soon! 
  • Finally, Avon anew eyeshadow, mostly I am just bored of this, I featured it in my everyday makeup post and I have much better shadows I could use. Again I think this will be another which takes the longest time! 
If you have a project 10 pan or plan on starting one, please feel free to post the link below and we can go through the process together! I’m very apprehensive about it, I know as soon as I place a limit on myself I will want something that much more, so I’m hoping it won’t be too hard! But considering my recent spending splurges they will hopefully be enough to contain me for a while.



  1. Great idea! I couldn't get used to my Resurfa-stic.
    A couple of suggestions you might like to try... Curl Conscious range by Bumble & Bumble (pricey but I do rate their products) & Korres primer which is silicone free so might help with your breakouts.

  2. I like the resurfa-stic feeling but not using it so much. Do you have any recommendations for home microdermabrasion tools?
    Thanks for the recommendations, will have to add those to the wish list :-)

  3. Well, This really good 10 items for skin. Also, I have very oily skin and some broken capillaries around my nose. So, A new reversalist serum has totally transformed my skin.


  4. @Alvispetter, I’m glad to know the serum worked for you. I personally haven’t seen a difference in my skin but I don’t think it is meant for my skin type


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